Dear Supporter:

The Philadelphia Association of Paralegals ("PAP") is one of the largest local paralegal organizations in the country. Our members represent a large sector of the legal community in Philadelphia. Our members are employed not only in numerous law firms, but also in government agencies, non-profit organizations and corporate law departments within the Philadelphia area.

Photos from our recent events (see photos) demonstrate the tremendous support and recognition PAP has in the legal community. This is a result of our commitment to excellence and dedication to our profession. In order to continue moving forward, our non-profit relies on your support towards the funding of events such as our quarterly luncheons and the annual Education Conference. Your support enables our paralegals (and student members) to attend at a reasonable rate while also providing a valuable opportunity to network in person. In 2016, PAP will be celebrating 30 years of consecutive annual Education Conferences and this would be a perfect time to become a sponsor!

Attached for your review is PAP's 2016 Sponsorship Package. We would really appreciate you taking a few minutes to look it over. This year, we are excited to once again offer Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze levels of sponsorship. We hope you will take advantage of the Platinum Sponsorship, since it does have exclusive perks, such as advertising in all of our e-publications and a lunch and learn session. One of the best perks that PAP offers is having your company's logo (with a hyperlink) included on PAP's weekly email blast, PAP Happenings. This email blast is not only circulated to our members, but also to surrounding county paralegal association officers and others interested in the paralegal profession.

This year, we are introducing a new Corporate Sponsor package for $1,000. This sponsorship package has been developed to foster partnerships with local corporations. In addition, there are also several other sponsorship opportunities, including:

-- PACE/PCCE scholarships. Each year, paralegals study for and take the Paralegal Advanced Competency Examination (PACE) and Paralegal Core Competency Examination (PCCE) to gain a "Registered Paralegal/RP®" or "CORE Registered Paralegal™" credential. Sponsoring a paralegal (or two) to take either of these exams would be a wonderful way to ensure continuing educational excellence as those who pass these tests commit to taking continuing legal education credits to maintain their credential. The cost for these exams are often prohibitive.

-- Education Conference. PAP is proud to announce that 2016 will be our 30th Annual Education Conference. Each year, PAP hosts an Education Conference well-attended by paralegals from Philadelphia and surrounding counties. Our event is one of the largest CLE events for paralegals and is a terrific networking opportunity for all involved as well. We appreciate your taking the time to consider sponsoring PAP. After you have had a chance to review the enclosed materials, please contact our marketing chair by clicking here, so that we can discuss a partnership with your company.

Thank you again for your time and consideration of our 2016 sponsorship opportunities.


Shekina McGriff, Pa.C.P.
Chair, Public Relations/Marketing Committee
The Philadelphia Association of Paralegals

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